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Posts tagged ‘outhouse’

Austrian word of the Week – Small House Paper Robber

Print This Post Häuslpapierfladerer: The German word “Haus” is a cognate of the English word “house.” In German you add the ending “chen” as a diminutive >> Häuschen. In Austria you add an “erl” as the diminutive. A Häuserl is not a little house as in Laura Ingalis’ house on the Prairie – it’s that even smaller closet-sized shack out back that we never see Ma, Pa, Laura, Mary or Carrie visiting but we know must be there. Papier and Paper are also cognates. And fladern? It means to steal. So an Outhouse paper robber is a person who steals the toilet paper from public bathrooms. For shame! Who does such a thing?!

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Wappler swearing in Austria

Der Kleine Wappler – How to swear and bad mouth in Austria

Delve more into the Austrian creative side with their rant words: “Der Kleine Wappler” by Astrid Wintersberger, Residenz Verlag — book is completely in Austrian language.

Website of Austrian Dialect:

More Words of the Week

Beuschlreißer: Lung Ripper

Blechtrottel: Tin Idiot


Eierbär: Eggsbear

Eifersucht, Frühlingsmüdigkeit, Hungerlohn, Torschlusspanik, Schadenfreude, Weltschmerz, Katzenjammer, Freitod, Holzpyjama, Lebensmüde, Fernweh

Fetzenschädel: Rags Skull

Geistesvernichtungsanstalt: Spirit Annihilation Asylum


Häuslpapierfladerer: House Paper Thief


Krautwacher: Cabbage Guard

Putzgretl: Cleaning Gretl

Saubär: Pig Bear

Treppenwitz: Stair Joke

