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Posts tagged ‘German language’

Austrian word of the Week – Gespritzer

Es wird a Wein sein, und mir wer’n nimmer sein.” —  Hans Moser & Paul Hörbinger

Print This Post Gespritzer: is  actually a refreshing summer drink of white wine mixed with sparkling water but it is also used for someone who’s had maybe one too many of those white wine Gespritzer with a bit more wine than sparkling water.

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Wappler swearing in Austria

Der Kleine Wappler – How to swear and bad mouth in Austria

Delve more into the Austrian creative side with their rant words: “Der Kleine Wappler” by Astrid Wintersberger, Residenz Verlag — book is completely in Austrian language.

Website of Austrian Dialect:

More Words of the Week

Beuschlreißer: Lung Ripper

Blechtrottel: Tin Idiot


Eierbär: Eggsbear

Eifersucht, Frühlingsmüdigkeit, Hungerlohn, Torschlusspanik, Schadenfreude, Weltschmerz, Katzenjammer, Freitod, Holzpyjama, Lebensmüde, Fernweh

Fetzenschädel: Rags Skull

Geistesvernichtungsanstalt: Spirit Annihilation Asylum


Häuslpapierfladerer: House Paper Thief


Krautwacher: Cabbage Guard

Putzgretl: Cleaning Gretl

Saubär: Pig Bear

Treppenwitz: Stair Joke



Austrian word of the Week – Rags Skull

Print This PostFetzenschädel: “Fetzen” are rags, and “Schädel” is a skull. So when would someone have a skull full of rags — when they are completely drunk. Or when a person is giving off the impression that their good sense has been completely dampened by alcohol. Print This Post

Wappler swearing in Austria

Der Kleine Wappler – How to swear and bad mouth in Austria

Delve more into the Austrian creative side with their rant words: “Der Kleine Wappler” by Astrid Wintersberger, Residenz Verlag — book is completely in Austrian language.

Website of Austrian Dialect:

More Words of the Week

Beuschlreißer: Lung Ripper

Blechtrottel: Tin Idiot


Eierbär: Eggsbear

Eifersucht, Frühlingsmüdigkeit, Hungerlohn, Torschlusspanik, Schadenfreude, Weltschmerz, Katzenjammer, Freitod, Holzpyjama, Lebensmüde, Fernweh

Fetzenschädel: Rags Skull

Geistesvernichtungsanstalt: Spirit Annihilation Asylum


Häuslpapierfladerer: House Paper Thief


Krautwacher: Cabbage Guard

Putzgretl: Cleaning Gretl

Saubär: Pig Bear

Treppenwitz: Stair Joke



Austrian word of the Week – C80

Print This PostC-Achtziger: C-Eighty –Imbecile – C80 is the code used by the Austrian military for someone who is ineligible to serve due to feeble mindedness.Print This Post

Wappler swearing in Austria

Der Kleine Wappler – How to swear and bad mouth in Austria

Delve more into the Austrian creative side with their rant words: “Der Kleine Wappler” by Astrid Wintersberger, Residenz Verlag — book is completely in Austrian language.

Website of Austrian Dialect:

More Words of the Week

Beuschlreißer: Lung Ripper

Blechtrottel: Tin Idiot


Eierbär: Eggsbear

Eifersucht, Frühlingsmüdigkeit, Hungerlohn, Torschlusspanik, Schadenfreude, Weltschmerz, Katzenjammer, Freitod, Holzpyjama, Lebensmüde, Fernweh

Fetzenschädel: Rags Skull

Geistesvernichtungsanstalt: Spirit Annihilation Asylum


Häuslpapierfladerer: House Paper Thief


Krautwacher: Cabbage Guard

Putzgretl: Cleaning Gretl

Saubär: Pig Bear

Treppenwitz: Stair Joke



The Language of Toothache Sufferers

In his Notebook # 14 written from November 1877 – July 1878, Mark Twain has several references to the trials and tribulations he endures while learning German. He claims that the person who invented the German language was “… some sufferer who had to sit up with a toothache.” Nevertheless, the language enlightens Twain to the purpose of eternity. He writes, “ eternity was made … to give some of us a chance to learn German.” Though I have not been immune to similar stints of exasperation in tackling this challenging language, I have enjoyed becoming acquainted with a language exceptionally apt in combining words in such a way as to render a new term particularly adept in describing various ills and afflictions.

In German, Frühlingsmüdigkeit – Spring tiredness – could be gnawing at your ribs – particularly if you’ve been slaving too long for a Hungerlohn – a hunger income (wage so low it keeps you hungry). But things could be far more dire. Young couples might be struck by Eifersucht – fanatic addiction (jealousy). Unmarried women in their late twenties, for example, are prone to attacks of Torschlusspanik – the fear of being left on the shelf – to the Schadenfreude of all their married female co-workers.

But guys are not immune either.

European students and artists who hang out in the cafes by day and pubs by night are particularly predisposed to bouts of Weltschmerz – world pain (a gloomy, romanticized state of suffering along with the pain of the world). Oh what a Katzenjammer – cat wail – (depressing state) life can be when all loss of Lebenslust – life desire (happiness and joy of life) drags you down. Those too Lebensmüde “life tired” help support Austria’s suicide rate by electing a Freitod – free death – and plunging into the Danube. They join the hundreds of Viennese who are eternally resting in their Holzpyjama “wooden pjs” looking at the potatoes from underneath in the Friedhof der Namenlosen “The Peace Courtyard of the Nameless.” (Cemetery of the Unknowns).

Personally, I seem to suffer from a chronic case of Fernweh – distance pain – (longing to travel some place far away).

What’s your ailment?

Suffering Torschlusspanik? Plan your wedding in Vienna at one of the ultimate Vienna wedding locations.

Information on and Map to the Friedhof der Namenlosen in Vienna Print This Post

More Words of the Week

Beuschlreißer: Lung Ripper

Blechtrottel: Tin Idiot


Eierbär: Eggsbear

Eifersucht, Frühlingsmüdigkeit, Hungerlohn, Torschlusspanik, Schadenfreude, Weltschmerz, Katzenjammer, Freitod, Holzpyjama, Lebensmüde, Fernweh

Fetzenschädel: Rags Skull

Geistesvernichtungsanstalt: Spirit Annihilation Asylum


Häuslpapierfladerer: House Paper Thief


Krautwacher: Cabbage Guard

Putzgretl: Cleaning Gretl

Saubär: Pig Bear

Treppenwitz: Stair Joke
